Special Arrear Nov/Dec 2021 Anna University Mode of exam Announcement and Centre Selection
As approved by the Syndicate of Anna University in its 262nd meeting held on 16-02-2021, the students who have exhausted their maximum period of study as per their Regulations have been permitted to appear for the arrear examinations as a special case during November/December 2021, April/May 2022 and November/December 2022. The Registration for the November/December 2021 examinations was completed as per the notification of the Controller of Examinations dated 23-09-2021. Further, the examinations shall be conducted in the following centres in offline mode and hence, students who have already registered only can login into Student Login page with Register number through the web-portal https://coe1.annauniv.edu and select any one of the following centres on or before 18.11.2021 by 5.00PM. Click the below link to download Anna University Circular