Special Arrear Exam Jun/July 2021 Instructions Link to download the Instructions Special Arrear Exam Jun/July 2021 Instructions INSTRUCTIONS TO THE STUDENTS FOR THE NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 (REEXAMINATION) AND APRIL/MAY 2021 EXAMINATIONS IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION: The data of students such as Register No., Name of the students, email ID, Phone No., and the details of subjects registered by the Students to appear for the examinations were provided to all the colleges where the student had finally studied and the Principals of the Colleges were requested to create a facility in any of the platforms such as Google Classrooms / Microsoft Teams / email or any other sources for the distribution of question paper and the receipt of the softcopy of the Answer Script. Hence, all students will be receiving the details of the platform from the Principals of the Colleges in advance. The Students may contact the Principal of the College to get the details, if they do not receive the det...